Launching without a rocket

Eighty percent of people believe they have a book in them. But what to do with a dream, when it finally appears in your hands? The most common observation I receive, as a new author is - “You must be proud.” To be honest, I am deeply content, rather than full of pride. I know I can competently complete a project. But could I help people expand their leadership impact, via a book? I regularly help as a coach and facilitator, but the written word is a tougher, less forgiving medium.

After releasing myself from expectations, to blast my book out, like a rocket, I am enjoying seeing where it floats and most importantly who it might help. Organic marketing without massive boosters, helps me face the fear that all authors entertain – how does my target audience, honestly experience my book? Recently, I felt excited, mailing it, to a designer from Latvia, a country I will probably never visit. They had seen it showcased on an international design blog.  I have been gratified by how many people enjoy its aesthetics, as producing a visually beautiful leadership book, aligns with my experience of human and leadership development, as an art form.  

My target audience is anyone in a leadership role who is  trying to positively influence others, so it ranges from parents, teachers as well as CEOs and their teams. The intent of my book - The Worthy Leader - is to help leaders connect with their potential worth and to expand their positive impact, on their journey to wisdom. The book is both philosophical and practical. The conceptual theme underscores our innately human desire to grow, and humanity’s urgent need for worthier leaders. The reader can address these two motives through exploring their own potential, via a practical framework - The Worthy Leader Map. 

So far, I have been touched by people who have read the book and shared with me how it specifically helped them see themselves and their context, more clearly and optimistically. And I have enjoyed integrating the Map and the coaching questions into my workshops and observing the practical results.

I recently launched, The Worthy Leader, in my hometown – Melbourne, Australia. It was a gratitude party, as I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity to work closely with so many inspiring individuals and groups who lift my spirits and sights. Two of those individuals – Christine Mathieson (CEO, Expression Australia) and Sherman Ma (Founder and Executive Director , Liberty Financial) spoke at the event and embodied worthy leadership.

I look forward to the next chapter, and the enriching conversations that my book is catalysing.


Thank you!